2024-01-25 18:28:54 -08:00

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Stable Diffusion Web UI Forge

Stable Diffusion Web UI Forge is a platform on top of Stable Diffusion WebUI to make development easier, and optimize the speed and resource consumption.

The name "Forge" is inspired from "Minecraft Forge". This project will become SD WebUI's Forge.

Forge will give you:

  1. Improved optimization. (Fastest speed and minimal memory use among all alternative software.)
  2. Patchable UNet and CLIP objects. (Developer-friendly platform.)

Improved Optimization

I tested with several devices, and this is a typical result from 8GB VRAM (3070ti laptop) with SDXL.

This is WebUI:





(average about 7.4GB/8GB, peak at about 7.9GB/8GB)

This is WebUI Forge:





(average and peak are all 6.3GB/8GB)

Also, you can see that Forge does not change WebUI results. Installing Forge is not a seed breaking change.

We do not change any UI. But you will see the version of Forge here


"f0.0.1v1.7.0" means WebUI 1.7.0 with Forge 0.0.1


Forge removes all WebUI's codes related to speed and memory optimization and reworked everything.

All previous cmd flags like medvram, lowvram, medvram-sdxl, precision full, no half, no half vae, attention_xxx, upcast unet, ... are all REMOVED. Adding these flags will not cause error but they will not do anything now. We highly encourage Forge users to remove all cmd flags and let Forge to decide how to load models.

Currently, the behaviors is:

"When loading a model to GPU, Forge will decide whether to load the entire model, or to load separated parts of the model. Then, when loading another model, Forge will try best to unload the previous model."

The only one flag that you may still need is --disable-offload-from-vram, to change the above behavior to

"When loading a model to GPU, Forge will decide whether to load the entire model, or to load separated parts of the model. Then, when loading another model, Forge will try best to keep the previous model in GPU without unloading it."

You should --disable-offload-from-vram when and only when you have more than 20GB GPU memory, or when you are on MAC MPS.

If you really want to play with cmd flags, you can additionally control the GPU with:

(extreme VRAM cases)


(rare attention cases)


(float point type)


(rare platforms)


Again, Forge do not recommend users to use any cmd flags unless you are very sure that you really need these.

Patchable UNet

Now develop an extension is super simple. We finally have patchable UNet.

Below is using one single file with 80 lines of codes to support FreeU:


import torch
import gradio as gr
from modules import scripts

def Fourier_filter(x, threshold, scale):
    x_freq = torch.fft.fftn(x.float(), dim=(-2, -1))
    x_freq = torch.fft.fftshift(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1))
    B, C, H, W = x_freq.shape
    mask = torch.ones((B, C, H, W), device=x.device)
    crow, ccol = H // 2, W //2
    mask[..., crow - threshold:crow + threshold, ccol - threshold:ccol + threshold] = scale
    x_freq = x_freq * mask
    x_freq = torch.fft.ifftshift(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1))
    x_filtered = torch.fft.ifftn(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1)).real

def set_freeu_v2_patch(model, b1, b2, s1, s2):
    model_channels = model.model.model_config.unet_config["model_channels"]
    scale_dict = {model_channels * 4: (b1, s1), model_channels * 2: (b2, s2)}

    def output_block_patch(h, hsp, *args, **kwargs):
        scale = scale_dict.get(h.shape[1], None)
        if scale is not None:
            hidden_mean = h.mean(1).unsqueeze(1)
            B = hidden_mean.shape[0]
            hidden_max, _ = torch.max(hidden_mean.view(B, -1), dim=-1, keepdim=True)
            hidden_min, _ = torch.min(hidden_mean.view(B, -1), dim=-1, keepdim=True)
            hidden_mean = (hidden_mean - hidden_min.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3)) / \
                          (hidden_max - hidden_min).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3)
            h[:, :h.shape[1] // 2] = h[:, :h.shape[1] // 2] * ((scale[0] - 1) * hidden_mean + 1)
            hsp = Fourier_filter(hsp, threshold=1, scale=scale[1])
        return h, hsp

    m = model.clone()
    return m

class FreeUForForge(scripts.Script):
    def title(self):
        return "FreeU Integrated"

    def show(self, is_img2img):
        # make this extension visible in both txt2img and img2img tab.
        return scripts.AlwaysVisible

    def ui(self, *args, **kwargs):
        with gr.Accordion(open=False, label=self.title()):
            freeu_enabled = gr.Checkbox(label='Enabled', value=False)
            freeu_b1 = gr.Slider(label='B1', minimum=0, maximum=2, step=0.01, value=1.01)
            freeu_b2 = gr.Slider(label='B2', minimum=0, maximum=2, step=0.01, value=1.02)
            freeu_s1 = gr.Slider(label='S1', minimum=0, maximum=4, step=0.01, value=0.99)
            freeu_s2 = gr.Slider(label='S2', minimum=0, maximum=4, step=0.01, value=0.95)

        return freeu_enabled, freeu_b1, freeu_b2, freeu_s1, freeu_s2

    def process_batch(self, p, *script_args, **kwargs):
        freeu_enabled, freeu_b1, freeu_b2, freeu_s1, freeu_s2 = script_args

        if not freeu_enabled:

        unet = p.sd_model.forge_objects.unet

        unet = set_freeu_v2_patch(unet, freeu_b1, freeu_b2, freeu_s1, freeu_s2)

        p.sd_model.forge_objects.unet = unet

        # Below codes will add some logs to the texts below the image outputs on UI.
        # The extra_generation_params does not influence results.


It looks like this:


Similar components like HyperTile, KohyaHighResFix, SAG, can all be implemented with within 100 lines of codes (and we will add soon).

ControlNets can finally be called by different extensions. (80% codes of ControlNet can be removed now.)

Implementing Stable Video Diffusion and Zero123 are also super simple now (and we will add soon).