import os from copy import copy from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, List, Union import modules.scripts as scripts from modules import shared, devices, script_callbacks, processing, masking, images from modules.api.api import decode_base64_to_image import gradio as gr from einops import rearrange from lib_controlnet import global_state, external_code, utils from lib_controlnet.utils import get_unique_axis0, align_dim_latent from lib_controlnet.enums import StableDiffusionVersion, HiResFixOption from lib_controlnet.controlnet_ui.controlnet_ui_group import ControlNetUiGroup, UiControlNetUnit from lib_controlnet.controlnet_ui.photopea import Photopea from lib_controlnet.logging import logger from modules.processing import StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img, StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img, StableDiffusionProcessing from lib_controlnet.infotext import Infotext from modules_forge.forge_util import HWC3 import cv2 import numpy as np import torch import functools from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageOps from lib_controlnet.lvminthin import lvmin_thin, nake_nms from modules_forge.shared import try_load_supported_control_model # Gradio 3.32 bug fix import tempfile gradio_tempfile_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'gradio') os.makedirs(gradio_tempfile_path, exist_ok=True) global_state.update_controlnet_filenames() @functools.lru_cache("control_net_model_cache_size", 5)) def cached_controlnet_loader(filename): return try_load_supported_control_model(filename) def image_dict_from_any(image) -> Optional[Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: if image is None: return None if isinstance(image, (tuple, list)): image = {'image': image[0], 'mask': image[1]} elif not isinstance(image, dict): image = {'image': image, 'mask': None} else: # type(image) is dict # copy to enable modifying the dict and prevent response serialization error image = dict(image) if isinstance(image['image'], str): if os.path.exists(image['image']): image['image'] = np.array(['image'])).astype('uint8') elif image['image']: image['image'] = external_code.to_base64_nparray(image['image']) else: image['image'] = None # If there is no image, return image with None image and None mask if image['image'] is None: image['mask'] = None return image if 'mask' not in image or image['mask'] is None: image['mask'] = np.zeros_like(image['image'], dtype=np.uint8) elif isinstance(image['mask'], str): if os.path.exists(image['mask']): image['mask'] = np.array(['mask'])).astype('uint8') elif image['mask']: image['mask'] = external_code.to_base64_nparray(image['mask']) else: image['mask'] = np.zeros_like(image['image'], dtype=np.uint8) return image def prepare_mask( mask: Image.Image, p: processing.StableDiffusionProcessing ) -> Image.Image: """ Prepare an image mask for the inpainting process. This function takes as input a PIL Image object and an instance of the StableDiffusionProcessing class, and performs the following steps to prepare the mask: 1. Convert the mask to grayscale (mode "L"). 2. If the 'inpainting_mask_invert' attribute of the processing instance is True, invert the mask colors. 3. If the 'mask_blur' attribute of the processing instance is greater than 0, apply a Gaussian blur to the mask with a radius equal to 'mask_blur'. Args: mask (Image.Image): The input mask as a PIL Image object. p (processing.StableDiffusionProcessing): An instance of the StableDiffusionProcessing class containing the processing parameters. Returns: mask (Image.Image): The prepared mask as a PIL Image object. """ mask = mask.convert("L") if getattr(p, "inpainting_mask_invert", False): mask = ImageOps.invert(mask) if hasattr(p, 'mask_blur_x'): if getattr(p, "mask_blur_x", 0) > 0: np_mask = np.array(mask) kernel_size = 2 * int(2.5 * p.mask_blur_x + 0.5) + 1 np_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(np_mask, (kernel_size, 1), p.mask_blur_x) mask = Image.fromarray(np_mask) if getattr(p, "mask_blur_y", 0) > 0: np_mask = np.array(mask) kernel_size = 2 * int(2.5 * p.mask_blur_y + 0.5) + 1 np_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(np_mask, (1, kernel_size), p.mask_blur_y) mask = Image.fromarray(np_mask) else: if getattr(p, "mask_blur", 0) > 0: mask = mask.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(p.mask_blur)) return mask def set_numpy_seed(p: processing.StableDiffusionProcessing) -> Optional[int]: """ Set the random seed for NumPy based on the provided parameters. Args: p (processing.StableDiffusionProcessing): The instance of the StableDiffusionProcessing class. Returns: Optional[int]: The computed random seed if successful, or None if an exception occurs. This function sets the random seed for NumPy using the seed and subseed values from the given instance of StableDiffusionProcessing. If either seed or subseed is -1, it uses the first value from `all_seeds`. Otherwise, it takes the maximum of the provided seed value and 0. The final random seed is computed by adding the seed and subseed values, applying a bitwise AND operation with 0xFFFFFFFF to ensure it fits within a 32-bit integer. """ try: tmp_seed = int(p.all_seeds[0] if p.seed == -1 else max(int(p.seed), 0)) tmp_subseed = int(p.all_seeds[0] if p.subseed == -1 else max(int(p.subseed), 0)) seed = (tmp_seed + tmp_subseed) & 0xFFFFFFFF np.random.seed(seed) return seed except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) logger.warning('Warning: Failed to use consistent random seed.') return None def get_pytorch_control(x: np.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor: # A very safe method to make sure that Apple/Mac works y = x # below is very boring but do not change these. If you change these Apple or Mac may fail. y = torch.from_numpy(y) y = y.float() / 255.0 y = rearrange(y, 'h w c -> 1 c h w') y = y.clone() y ="controlnet")) y = y.clone() return y class ControlNetCachedParameters: def __init__(self): self.control_image = None self.control_image_for_hr_fix = None class ControlNetForForgeOfficial(scripts.Script): def title(self): return "ControlNet" def show(self, is_img2img): return scripts.AlwaysVisible @staticmethod def get_default_ui_unit(is_ui=True): cls = UiControlNetUnit if is_ui else external_code.ControlNetUnit return cls( enabled=False, module="none", model="None" ) def uigroup(self, tabname: str, is_img2img: bool, elem_id_tabname: str, photopea: Optional[Photopea]) -> Tuple[ControlNetUiGroup, gr.State]: group = ControlNetUiGroup( is_img2img, self.get_default_ui_unit(), photopea, ) return group, group.render(tabname, elem_id_tabname) def ui(self, is_img2img): """this function should create gradio UI elements. See The return value should be an array of all components that are used in processing. Values of those returned components will be passed to run() and process() functions. """ infotext = Infotext() ui_groups = [] controls = [] max_models ="control_net_unit_count", 3) elem_id_tabname = ("img2img" if is_img2img else "txt2img") + "_controlnet" with gr.Group(elem_id=elem_id_tabname): with gr.Accordion(f"ControlNet Integrated", open=False, elem_id="controlnet"): photopea = Photopea() if not"controlnet_disable_photopea_edit", False) else None if max_models > 1: with gr.Tabs(elem_id=f"{elem_id_tabname}_tabs"): for i in range(max_models): with gr.Tab(f"ControlNet Unit {i}", elem_classes=['cnet-unit-tab']): group, state = self.uigroup(f"ControlNet-{i}", is_img2img, elem_id_tabname, photopea) ui_groups.append(group) controls.append(state) else: with gr.Column(): group, state = self.uigroup(f"ControlNet", is_img2img, elem_id_tabname, photopea) ui_groups.append(group) controls.append(state) for i, ui_group in enumerate(ui_groups): infotext.register_unit(i, ui_group) if"control_net_sync_field_args", True): self.infotext_fields = infotext.infotext_fields self.paste_field_names = infotext.paste_field_names return tuple(controls) @staticmethod def get_remote_call(p, attribute, default=None, idx=0, strict=False, force=False): if not force and not"control_net_allow_script_control", False): return default def get_element(obj, strict=False): if not isinstance(obj, list): return obj if not strict or idx == 0 else None elif idx < len(obj): return obj[idx] else: return None attribute_value = get_element(getattr(p, attribute, None), strict) return attribute_value if attribute_value is not None else default def parse_remote_call(self, p, unit: external_code.ControlNetUnit, idx): selector = self.get_remote_call unit.enabled = selector(p, "control_net_enabled", unit.enabled, idx, strict=True) unit.module = selector(p, "control_net_module", unit.module, idx) unit.model = selector(p, "control_net_model", unit.model, idx) unit.weight = selector(p, "control_net_weight", unit.weight, idx) unit.image = selector(p, "control_net_image", unit.image, idx) unit.resize_mode = selector(p, "control_net_resize_mode", unit.resize_mode, idx) unit.low_vram = selector(p, "control_net_lowvram", unit.low_vram, idx) unit.processor_res = selector(p, "control_net_pres", unit.processor_res, idx) unit.threshold_a = selector(p, "control_net_pthr_a", unit.threshold_a, idx) unit.threshold_b = selector(p, "control_net_pthr_b", unit.threshold_b, idx) unit.guidance_start = selector(p, "control_net_guidance_start", unit.guidance_start, idx) unit.guidance_end = selector(p, "control_net_guidance_end", unit.guidance_end, idx) # Backward compatibility. See # for more details. unit.guidance_end = selector(p, "control_net_guidance_strength", unit.guidance_end, idx) unit.control_mode = selector(p, "control_net_control_mode", unit.control_mode, idx) unit.pixel_perfect = selector(p, "control_net_pixel_perfect", unit.pixel_perfect, idx) return unit @staticmethod def detectmap_proc(detected_map, module, resize_mode, h, w): if 'inpaint' in module: detected_map = detected_map.astype(np.float32) else: detected_map = HWC3(detected_map) def safe_numpy(x): # A very safe method to make sure that Apple/Mac works y = x # below is very boring but do not change these. If you change these Apple or Mac may fail. y = y.copy() y = np.ascontiguousarray(y) y = y.copy() return y def high_quality_resize(x, size): # Written by lvmin # Super high-quality control map up-scaling, considering binary, seg, and one-pixel edges inpaint_mask = None if x.ndim == 3 and x.shape[2] == 4: inpaint_mask = x[:, :, 3] x = x[:, :, 0:3] if x.shape[0] != size[1] or x.shape[1] != size[0]: new_size_is_smaller = (size[0] * size[1]) < (x.shape[0] * x.shape[1]) new_size_is_bigger = (size[0] * size[1]) > (x.shape[0] * x.shape[1]) unique_color_count = len(get_unique_axis0(x.reshape(-1, x.shape[2]))) is_one_pixel_edge = False is_binary = False if unique_color_count == 2: is_binary = np.min(x) < 16 and np.max(x) > 240 if is_binary: xc = x xc = cv2.erode(xc, np.ones(shape=(3, 3), dtype=np.uint8), iterations=1) xc = cv2.dilate(xc, np.ones(shape=(3, 3), dtype=np.uint8), iterations=1) one_pixel_edge_count = np.where(xc < x)[0].shape[0] all_edge_count = np.where(x > 127)[0].shape[0] is_one_pixel_edge = one_pixel_edge_count * 2 > all_edge_count if 2 < unique_color_count < 200: interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST elif new_size_is_smaller: interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA else: interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC # Must be CUBIC because we now use nms. NEVER CHANGE THIS y = cv2.resize(x, size, interpolation=interpolation) if inpaint_mask is not None: inpaint_mask = cv2.resize(inpaint_mask, size, interpolation=interpolation) if is_binary: y = np.mean(y.astype(np.float32), axis=2).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) if is_one_pixel_edge: y = nake_nms(y) _, y = cv2.threshold(y, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) y = lvmin_thin(y, prunings=new_size_is_bigger) else: _, y = cv2.threshold(y, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) y = np.stack([y] * 3, axis=2) else: y = x if inpaint_mask is not None: inpaint_mask = (inpaint_mask > 127).astype(np.float32) * 255.0 inpaint_mask = inpaint_mask[:, :, None].clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) y = np.concatenate([y, inpaint_mask], axis=2) return y if resize_mode == external_code.ResizeMode.RESIZE: detected_map = high_quality_resize(detected_map, (w, h)) detected_map = safe_numpy(detected_map) return get_pytorch_control(detected_map), detected_map old_h, old_w, _ = detected_map.shape old_w = float(old_w) old_h = float(old_h) k0 = float(h) / old_h k1 = float(w) / old_w safeint = lambda x: int(np.round(x)) if resize_mode == external_code.ResizeMode.OUTER_FIT: k = min(k0, k1) borders = np.concatenate([detected_map[0, :, :], detected_map[-1, :, :], detected_map[:, 0, :], detected_map[:, -1, :]], axis=0) high_quality_border_color = np.median(borders, axis=0).astype(detected_map.dtype) if len(high_quality_border_color) == 4: # Inpaint hijack high_quality_border_color[3] = 255 high_quality_background = np.tile(high_quality_border_color[None, None], [h, w, 1]) detected_map = high_quality_resize(detected_map, (safeint(old_w * k), safeint(old_h * k))) new_h, new_w, _ = detected_map.shape pad_h = max(0, (h - new_h) // 2) pad_w = max(0, (w - new_w) // 2) high_quality_background[pad_h:pad_h + new_h, pad_w:pad_w + new_w] = detected_map detected_map = high_quality_background detected_map = safe_numpy(detected_map) return get_pytorch_control(detected_map), detected_map else: k = max(k0, k1) detected_map = high_quality_resize(detected_map, (safeint(old_w * k), safeint(old_h * k))) new_h, new_w, _ = detected_map.shape pad_h = max(0, (new_h - h) // 2) pad_w = max(0, (new_w - w) // 2) detected_map = detected_map[pad_h:pad_h+h, pad_w:pad_w+w] detected_map = safe_numpy(detected_map) return get_pytorch_control(detected_map), detected_map def get_enabled_units(self, p): units = external_code.get_all_units_in_processing(p) if len(units) == 0: # fill a null group remote_unit = self.parse_remote_call(p, self.get_default_ui_unit(), 0) if remote_unit.enabled: units.append(remote_unit) enabled_units = [] for idx, unit in enumerate(units): local_unit = self.parse_remote_call(p, unit, idx) if not local_unit.enabled: continue if hasattr(local_unit, "unfold_merged"): enabled_units.extend(local_unit.unfold_merged()) else: enabled_units.append(copy(local_unit)) Infotext.write_infotext(enabled_units, p) return enabled_units @staticmethod def choose_input_image( p: processing.StableDiffusionProcessing, unit: external_code.ControlNetUnit, idx: int ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, external_code.ResizeMode]: """ Choose input image from following sources with descending priority: - p.image_control: [Deprecated] Lagacy way to pass image to controlnet. - p.control_net_input_image: [Deprecated] Lagacy way to pass image to controlnet. - unit.image: ControlNet tab input image. - p.init_images: A1111 img2img tab input image. Returns: - The input image in ndarray form. - The resize mode. """ def parse_unit_image(unit: external_code.ControlNetUnit) -> Union[List[Dict[str, np.ndarray]], Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: unit_has_multiple_images = ( isinstance(unit.image, list) and len(unit.image) > 0 and "image" in unit.image[0] ) if unit_has_multiple_images: return [ d for img in unit.image for d in (image_dict_from_any(img),) if d is not None ] return image_dict_from_any(unit.image) def decode_image(img) -> np.ndarray: """Need to check the image for API compatibility.""" if isinstance(img, str): return np.asarray(decode_base64_to_image(image['image'])) else: assert isinstance(img, np.ndarray) return img # 4 input image sources. p_image_control = getattr(p, "image_control", None) p_input_image = Script.get_remote_call(p, "control_net_input_image", None, idx) image = parse_unit_image(unit) a1111_image = getattr(p, "init_images", [None])[0] resize_mode = external_code.resize_mode_from_value(unit.resize_mode) if p_image_control is not None: logger.warning("Warn: Using legacy field 'p.image_control'.") input_image = HWC3(np.asarray(p_image_control)) elif p_input_image is not None: logger.warning("Warn: Using legacy field 'p.controlnet_input_image'") if isinstance(p_input_image, dict) and "mask" in p_input_image and "image" in p_input_image: color = HWC3(np.asarray(p_input_image['image'])) alpha = np.asarray(p_input_image['mask'])[..., None] input_image = np.concatenate([color, alpha], axis=2) else: input_image = HWC3(np.asarray(p_input_image)) elif image: if isinstance(image, list): # Add mask logic if later there is a processor that accepts mask # on multiple inputs. input_image = [HWC3(decode_image(img['image'])) for img in image] else: input_image = HWC3(decode_image(image['image'])) if 'mask' in image and image['mask'] is not None: while len(image['mask'].shape) < 3: image['mask'] = image['mask'][..., np.newaxis] if 'inpaint' in unit.module:"using inpaint as input") color = HWC3(image['image']) alpha = image['mask'][:, :, 0:1] input_image = np.concatenate([color, alpha], axis=2) elif ( not"controlnet_ignore_noninpaint_mask", False) and # There is wield gradio issue that would produce mask that is # not pure color when no scribble is made on canvas. # See not ( (image['mask'][:, :, 0] <= 5).all() or (image['mask'][:, :, 0] >= 250).all() ) ):"using mask as input") input_image = HWC3(image['mask'][:, :, 0]) unit.module = 'none' # Always use black bg and white line elif a1111_image is not None: input_image = HWC3(np.asarray(a1111_image)) a1111_i2i_resize_mode = getattr(p, "resize_mode", None) assert a1111_i2i_resize_mode is not None resize_mode = external_code.resize_mode_from_value(a1111_i2i_resize_mode) a1111_mask_image : Optional[Image.Image] = getattr(p, "image_mask", None) if 'inpaint' in unit.module: if a1111_mask_image is not None: a1111_mask = np.array(prepare_mask(a1111_mask_image, p)) assert a1111_mask.ndim == 2 assert a1111_mask.shape[0] == input_image.shape[0] assert a1111_mask.shape[1] == input_image.shape[1] input_image = np.concatenate([input_image[:, :, 0:3], a1111_mask[:, :, None]], axis=2) else: input_image = np.concatenate([ input_image[:, :, 0:3], np.zeros_like(input_image, dtype=np.uint8)[:, :, 0:1], ], axis=2) else: raise ValueError("controlnet is enabled but no input image is given") assert isinstance(input_image, (np.ndarray, list)) return input_image, resize_mode @staticmethod def try_crop_image_with_a1111_mask( p: StableDiffusionProcessing, unit: external_code.ControlNetUnit, input_image: np.ndarray, resize_mode: external_code.ResizeMode, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Crop ControlNet input image based on A1111 inpaint mask given. This logic is crutial in upscale scripts, as they use A1111 mask + inpaint_full_res to crop tiles. """ # Note: The method determining whether the active script is an upscale script is purely # based on `extra_generation_params` these scripts attach on `p`, and subject to change # in the future. # TODO: Change this to a more robust condition once A1111 offers a way to verify script name. is_upscale_script = any("upscale" in k.lower() for k in getattr(p, "extra_generation_params", {}).keys()) logger.debug(f"is_upscale_script={is_upscale_script}") # Note: `inpaint_full_res` is "inpaint area" on UI. The flag is `True` when "Only masked" # option is selected. a1111_mask_image : Optional[Image.Image] = getattr(p, "image_mask", None) is_only_masked_inpaint = ( issubclass(type(p), StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img) and p.inpaint_full_res and a1111_mask_image is not None ) if ( 'reference' not in unit.module and is_only_masked_inpaint and (is_upscale_script or unit.inpaint_crop_input_image) ): logger.debug("Crop input image based on A1111 mask.") input_image = [input_image[:, :, i] for i in range(input_image.shape[2])] input_image = [Image.fromarray(x) for x in input_image] mask = prepare_mask(a1111_mask_image, p) crop_region = masking.get_crop_region(np.array(mask), p.inpaint_full_res_padding) crop_region = masking.expand_crop_region(crop_region, p.width, p.height, mask.width, mask.height) input_image = [ images.resize_image(resize_mode.int_value(), i, mask.width, mask.height) for i in input_image ] input_image = [x.crop(crop_region) for x in input_image] input_image = [ images.resize_image(external_code.ResizeMode.OUTER_FIT.int_value(), x, p.width, p.height) for x in input_image ] input_image = [np.asarray(x)[:, :, 0] for x in input_image] input_image = np.stack(input_image, axis=2) return input_image @staticmethod def bound_check_params(unit: external_code.ControlNetUnit) -> None: """ Checks and corrects negative parameters in ControlNetUnit 'unit'. Parameters 'processor_res', 'threshold_a', 'threshold_b' are reset to their default values if negative. Args: unit (external_code.ControlNetUnit): The ControlNetUnit instance to check. """ preprocessor = global_state.get_preprocessor(unit.module) if unit.processor_res < 0: unit.processor_res = int(preprocessor.slider_resolution.gradio_update_kwargs.get('value', 512)) if unit.threshold_a < 0: unit.threshold_a = int(preprocessor.slider_1.gradio_update_kwargs.get('value', 1.0)) if unit.threshold_b < 0: unit.threshold_b = int(preprocessor.slider_2.gradio_update_kwargs.get('value', 1.0)) return @staticmethod def check_sd_version_compatible(unit: external_code.ControlNetUnit) -> None: """ Checks whether the given ControlNet unit has model compatible with the currently active sd model. An exception is thrown if ControlNet unit is detected to be incompatible. """ sd_version = global_state.get_sd_version() assert sd_version != StableDiffusionVersion.UNKNOWN if "revision" in unit.module.lower() and sd_version != StableDiffusionVersion.SDXL: raise Exception(f"Preprocessor 'revision' only supports SDXL. Current SD base model is {sd_version}.") # No need to check if the ControlModelType does not require model to be present. if unit.model is None or unit.model.lower() == "none": return cnet_sd_version = StableDiffusionVersion.detect_from_model_name(unit.model) if cnet_sd_version == StableDiffusionVersion.UNKNOWN: logger.warn(f"Unable to determine version for ControlNet model '{unit.model}'.") return if not sd_version.is_compatible_with(cnet_sd_version): raise Exception(f"ControlNet model {unit.model}({cnet_sd_version}) is not compatible with sd model({sd_version})") @staticmethod def get_target_dimensions(p: StableDiffusionProcessing) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: """Returns (h, w, hr_h, hr_w).""" h = align_dim_latent(p.height) w = align_dim_latent(p.width) high_res_fix = ( isinstance(p, StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img) and getattr(p, 'enable_hr', False) ) if high_res_fix: if p.hr_resize_x == 0 and p.hr_resize_y == 0: hr_y = int(p.height * p.hr_scale) hr_x = int(p.width * p.hr_scale) else: hr_y, hr_x = p.hr_resize_y, p.hr_resize_x hr_y = align_dim_latent(hr_y) hr_x = align_dim_latent(hr_x) else: hr_y = h hr_x = w return h, w, hr_y, hr_x def controlnet_main_entry(self, p): for idx, unit in enumerate(self.enabled_units): Script.bound_check_params(unit) Script.check_sd_version_compatible(unit) if ( "ip-adapter" in unit.module and not global_state.ip_adapter_pairing_model[unit.module](unit.model) ): logger.error(f"Invalid pair of IP-Adapter preprocessor({unit.module}) and model({unit.model}).\n" "Please follow following pairing logic:\n" + global_state.ip_adapter_pairing_logic_text) continue if ( 'inpaint_only' == unit.module and issubclass(type(p), StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img) and p.image_mask is not None ): logger.warning('A1111 inpaint and ControlNet inpaint duplicated. Falls back to inpaint_global_harmonious.') unit.module = 'inpaint' if unit.module in model_free_preprocessors: model_net = None if 'reference' in unit.module: control_model_type = ControlModelType.AttentionInjection elif 'revision' in unit.module: control_model_type = ControlModelType.ReVision else: raise Exception("Unable to determine control_model_type.") else: model_net, control_model_type = Script.load_control_model(p, unet, unit.model) model_net.reset() if control_model_type == ControlModelType.ControlLoRA: control_lora = model_net.control_model bind_control_lora(unet, control_lora) p.controlnet_control_loras.append(control_lora) input_image, resize_mode = Script.choose_input_image(p, unit, idx) if isinstance(input_image, list): assert unit.accepts_multiple_inputs() input_images = input_image else: # Following operations are only for single input image. input_image = Script.try_crop_image_with_a1111_mask(p, unit, input_image, resize_mode) input_image = np.ascontiguousarray(input_image.copy()).copy() # safe numpy if unit.module == 'inpaint_only+lama' and resize_mode == external_code.ResizeMode.OUTER_FIT: # inpaint_only+lama is special and required outpaint fix _, input_image = Script.detectmap_proc(input_image, unit.module, resize_mode, hr_y, hr_x) if unit.pixel_perfect: unit.processor_res = external_code.pixel_perfect_resolution( input_image, target_H=h, target_W=w, resize_mode=resize_mode, ) input_images = [input_image] # Preprocessor result may depend on numpy random operations, use the # random seed in `StableDiffusionProcessing` to make the # preprocessor result reproducable. # Currently following preprocessors use numpy random: # - shuffle seed = set_numpy_seed(p) logger.debug(f"Use numpy seed {seed}.")"Using preprocessor: {unit.module}")'preprocessor resolution = {unit.processor_res}') def store_detected_map(detected_map, module: str) -> None: if unit.save_detected_map: detected_maps.append((detected_map, module)) def preprocess_input_image(input_image: np.ndarray): """ Preprocess single input image. """ detected_map, is_image = self.preprocessor[unit.module]( input_image, res=unit.processor_res, thr_a=unit.threshold_a, thr_b=unit.threshold_b, low_vram=( ("clip" in unit.module or unit.module == "ip-adapter_face_id_plus") and"controlnet_clip_detector_on_cpu", False) ), ) if high_res_fix: if is_image: hr_control, hr_detected_map = Script.detectmap_proc(detected_map, unit.module, resize_mode, hr_y, hr_x) store_detected_map(hr_detected_map, unit.module) else: hr_control = detected_map else: hr_control = None if is_image: control, detected_map = Script.detectmap_proc(detected_map, unit.module, resize_mode, h, w) store_detected_map(detected_map, unit.module) else: control = detected_map store_detected_map(input_image, unit.module) if control_model_type == ControlModelType.T2I_StyleAdapter: control = control['last_hidden_state'] if control_model_type == ControlModelType.ReVision: control = control['image_embeds'] return control, hr_control controls, hr_controls = list(zip(*[preprocess_input_image(img) for img in input_images])) if len(controls) == len(hr_controls) == 1: control = controls[0] hr_control = hr_controls[0] else: control = controls hr_control = hr_controls preprocessor_dict = dict( name=unit.module, preprocessor_resolution=unit.processor_res, threshold_a=unit.threshold_a, threshold_b=unit.threshold_b ) global_average_pooling = ( control_model_type.is_controlnet() and model_net.control_model.global_average_pooling ) control_mode = external_code.control_mode_from_value(unit.control_mode) forward_param = ControlParams( control_model=model_net, preprocessor=preprocessor_dict, hint_cond=control, weight=unit.weight, guidance_stopped=False, start_guidance_percent=unit.guidance_start, stop_guidance_percent=unit.guidance_end, advanced_weighting=unit.advanced_weighting, control_model_type=control_model_type, global_average_pooling=global_average_pooling, hr_hint_cond=hr_control, hr_option=HiResFixOption.from_value(unit.hr_option) if high_res_fix else HiResFixOption.BOTH, soft_injection=control_mode != external_code.ControlMode.BALANCED, cfg_injection=control_mode == external_code.ControlMode.CONTROL, ) forward_params.append(forward_param) if 'inpaint_only' in unit.module: final_inpaint_feed = hr_control if hr_control is not None else control final_inpaint_feed = final_inpaint_feed.detach().cpu().numpy() final_inpaint_feed = np.ascontiguousarray(final_inpaint_feed).copy() final_inpaint_mask = final_inpaint_feed[0, 3, :, :].astype(np.float32) final_inpaint_raw = final_inpaint_feed[0, :3].astype(np.float32) sigma ="control_net_inpaint_blur_sigma", 7) final_inpaint_mask = cv2.dilate(final_inpaint_mask, np.ones((sigma, sigma), dtype=np.uint8)) final_inpaint_mask = cv2.blur(final_inpaint_mask, (sigma, sigma))[None] _, Hmask, Wmask = final_inpaint_mask.shape final_inpaint_raw = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(final_inpaint_raw).copy()) final_inpaint_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(final_inpaint_mask).copy()) def inpaint_only_post_processing(x): _, H, W = x.shape if Hmask != H or Wmask != W: logger.error('Error: ControlNet find post-processing resolution mismatch. This could be related to other extensions hacked processing.') return x r = m = y = m * x.clip(0, 1) + (1 - m) * r y = y.clip(0, 1) return y post_processors.append(inpaint_only_post_processing) if 'recolor' in unit.module: final_feed = hr_control if hr_control is not None else control final_feed = final_feed.detach().cpu().numpy() final_feed = np.ascontiguousarray(final_feed).copy() final_feed = final_feed[0, 0, :, :].astype(np.float32) final_feed = (final_feed * 255).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) Hfeed, Wfeed = final_feed.shape if 'luminance' in unit.module: def recolor_luminance_post_processing(x): C, H, W = x.shape if Hfeed != H or Wfeed != W or C != 3: logger.error('Error: ControlNet find post-processing resolution mismatch. This could be related to other extensions hacked processing.') return x h = x.detach().cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)) h = (h * 255).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) h = cv2.cvtColor(h, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LAB) h[:, :, 0] = final_feed h = cv2.cvtColor(h, cv2.COLOR_LAB2RGB) h = (h.astype(np.float32) / 255.0).transpose((2, 0, 1)) y = torch.from_numpy(h).clip(0, 1).to(x) return y post_processors.append(recolor_luminance_post_processing) if 'intensity' in unit.module: def recolor_intensity_post_processing(x): C, H, W = x.shape if Hfeed != H or Wfeed != W or C != 3: logger.error('Error: ControlNet find post-processing resolution mismatch. This could be related to other extensions hacked processing.') return x h = x.detach().cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)) h = (h * 255).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) h = cv2.cvtColor(h, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV) h[:, :, 2] = final_feed h = cv2.cvtColor(h, cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGB) h = (h.astype(np.float32) / 255.0).transpose((2, 0, 1)) y = torch.from_numpy(h).clip(0, 1).to(x) return y post_processors.append(recolor_intensity_post_processing) if '+lama' in unit.module: forward_param.used_hint_cond_latent = hook.UnetHook.call_vae_using_process(p, control) self.noise_modifier = forward_param.used_hint_cond_latent del model_net is_low_vram = any(unit.low_vram for unit in self.enabled_units) for i, param in enumerate(forward_params): if param.control_model_type == ControlModelType.IPAdapter: param.control_model.hook( model=unet, preprocessor_outputs=param.hint_cond, weight=param.weight, dtype=torch.float32, start=param.start_guidance_percent, end=param.stop_guidance_percent ) if param.control_model_type == ControlModelType.Controlllite: param.control_model.hook( model=unet, cond=param.hint_cond, weight=param.weight, start=param.start_guidance_percent, end=param.stop_guidance_percent ) if param.control_model_type == ControlModelType.InstantID: # For instant_id we always expect ip-adapter model followed # by ControlNet model. assert i > 0, "InstantID control model should follow ipadapter model." ip_adapter_param = forward_params[i - 1] assert ip_adapter_param.control_model_type == ControlModelType.IPAdapter, \ "InstantID control model should follow ipadapter model." control_model = ip_adapter_param.control_model assert hasattr(control_model, "image_emb") param.control_context_override = control_model.image_emb self.latest_network = UnetHook(lowvram=is_low_vram) self.latest_network.hook(model=unet, sd_ldm=sd_ldm, control_params=forward_params, process=p, batch_option_uint_separate=batch_option_uint_separate, batch_option_style_align=batch_option_style_align) self.detected_map = detected_maps self.post_processors = post_processors def process_unit_after_click_generate(self, p, unit, params, *args, **kwargs): h, w, hr_y, hr_x = self.get_target_dimensions(p) return def process_unit_before_every_sampling(self, p, unit, params, *args, **kwargs): h, w, hr_y, hr_x = self.get_target_dimensions(p) is_hr_pass = p.is_hr_pass return def process(self, p, *args, **kwargs): self.current_params = {} for i, unit in enumerate(self.get_enabled_units(p)): self.bound_check_params(unit) params = ControlNetCachedParameters() self.process_unit_after_click_generate(p, unit, params, *args, **kwargs) self.current_params[i] = params return def process_before_every_sampling(self, p, *args, **kwargs): for unit, params in zip(self.get_enabled_units(p), self.current_params): self.process_unit_before_every_sampling(p, unit, params, *args, **kwargs) return def postprocess(self, p, processed, *args): return def on_ui_settings(): section = ('control_net', "ControlNet") shared.opts.add_option("control_net_detectedmap_dir", shared.OptionInfo( "detected_maps", "Directory for detected maps auto saving", section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_models_path", shared.OptionInfo( "", "Extra path to scan for ControlNet models (e.g. training output directory)", section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_modules_path", shared.OptionInfo( "", "Path to directory containing annotator model directories (requires restart, overrides corresponding command line flag)", section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_unit_count", shared.OptionInfo( 3, "Multi-ControlNet: ControlNet unit number (requires restart)", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 1, "maximum": 10, "step": 1}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_model_cache_size", shared.OptionInfo( 5, "Model cache size (requires restart)", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 1, "maximum": 10, "step": 1}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_inpaint_blur_sigma", shared.OptionInfo( 7, "ControlNet inpainting Gaussian blur sigma", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 0, "maximum": 64, "step": 1}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_no_detectmap", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Do not append detectmap to output", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_detectmap_autosaving", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Allow detectmap auto saving", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_allow_script_control", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Allow other script to control this extension", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("control_net_sync_field_args", shared.OptionInfo( True, "Paste ControlNet parameters in infotext", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("controlnet_show_batch_images_in_ui", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Show batch images in gradio gallery output", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("controlnet_increment_seed_during_batch", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Increment seed after each controlnet batch iteration", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("controlnet_disable_openpose_edit", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Disable openpose edit", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("controlnet_disable_photopea_edit", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Disable photopea edit", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("controlnet_photopea_warning", shared.OptionInfo( True, "Photopea popup warning", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("controlnet_ignore_noninpaint_mask", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Ignore mask on ControlNet input image if control type is not inpaint", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) shared.opts.add_option("controlnet_clip_detector_on_cpu", shared.OptionInfo( False, "Load CLIP preprocessor model on CPU", gr.Checkbox, {"interactive": True}, section=section)) script_callbacks.on_ui_settings(on_ui_settings) script_callbacks.on_infotext_pasted(Infotext.on_infotext_pasted) script_callbacks.on_after_component(ControlNetUiGroup.on_after_component) script_callbacks.on_before_reload(ControlNetUiGroup.reset)