# ChatGPT-to-API Create a fake API using ChatGPT's website > ## IMPORTANT > You will not get free support for this repository. This was made for my own personal use and documentation will continue to be limited as I don't really need documentation. You will find more detailed documentation in the Chinese docs by a contributor. **API endpoint:** [中文文档(Chinese Docs)](https://github.com/xqdoo00o/ChatGPT-to-API/blob/master/README_ZH.md) ## Setup ### Authentication Access token retrieval has been automated by [OpenAIAuth](https://github.com/acheong08/OpenAIAuth/) with account email & password. `accounts.txt` - A list of accounts separated by new line Format: ``` email:password ... ``` All authenticated access tokens will store in `access_tokens.json` Auto renew access tokens after 14 days Caution! please use unblocked ip for authentication, first login to `https://chat.openai.com/` to check ip availability if you can. ### API Authentication (Optional) Custom API keys for this fake API, just like OpenAI api `api_keys.txt` - A list of API keys separated by new line Format: ``` sk-123456 88888888 ... ``` ## Getting set up ``` git clone https://github.com/acheong08/ChatGPT-to-API cd ChatGPT-to-API go build ./freechatgpt ``` ### Environment variables - `PUID` - A cookie found on chat.openai.com for Plus users. This gets around Cloudflare rate limits - `SERVER_HOST` - Set to by default - `SERVER_PORT` - Set to 8080 by default - `OPENAI_EMAIL` and `OPENAI_PASSWORD` - It will automatically refresh your PUID if set (requires Plus account) - `ENABLE_HISTORY` - Set to true by default ### Files (Optional) - `proxies.txt` - A list of proxies separated by new line ``` ... ``` - `access_tokens.json` - A JSON array of access tokens for cycling (Alternatively, send a PATCH request to the [correct endpoint](https://github.com/acheong08/ChatGPT-to-API/blob/master/docs/admin.md)) ``` ["access_token1", "access_token2"...] ``` ## Admin API docs https://github.com/acheong08/ChatGPT-to-API/blob/master/docs/admin.md ## API usage docs https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat