# sd_telegram telegram bot on aiogram python 3.10.6 to generate images in automatic1111 locally create bot from [BotFather](https://t.me/BotFather) and use token in [API_TOKEN](https://github.com/amputator84/sd_telegram/blob/master/bot.py#L28) the bot is installed in automatic1111 via extensions or use _git clone_ into _C:\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd_telegram_ ``` pip install aiogram pip install webuiapi pip install transformers cd C:\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd_telegram\ python bot.py `````` Commands **start** _**SD** __❌ = off, ✅ = on Stable Diffusion _**opt** __**sttngs** ___**change_param** change JSON parameters img_thumb/img_tg/img_real - little/original from tg/real size from doc ___**reset_param** reset to default __**scrpts** ___**get_lora** get list LORA`s from stable-diffusion-webui/models/Lora ___**rnd_mdl** script for generating images for **all** models in **random** order, taking into account JSON settings ___**rnd_smp** script for generating images for one models with all samplers. TODO __**mdl** change model from list __**smplr** change sampler from list __**hr** change hr_upscale from list __**prompt** ___**random_prompt** get random prompt from GPT2Tokenizer FredZhang7 distilgpt2 ___**lxc_prompt** get random prompt from lexica.art _**gen** generate images _**skip** skip one or all generations _**help** help **TODO** 1. use share link (not yet possible, because the API is running in the background) 2. uploading Lora from TG 3. uploading models from TG (~4gb) 4. Logging 5. show error in tg 6. translate 7. Get all files/pictures from the computer for today (preview and seeds) 8. Several prompts in one via ; 9. Ability to send everything with one command with settings 10. Preloading photos when waiting for a long time so that you can skip **TNX** [AUTOMATIC1111](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui) [API](https://github.com/mix1009/sdwebuiapi) [aiogram](https://docs.aiogram.dev/en/latest/) And respect for Santa 🎅 Donations are **not needed**. Who wants to subscribe to [my generations](https://t.me/mishgenai) © _Mishgen_